The UK Government is an ally to atrocities.

Image showing a definition of the phrase 'ally to atrocities.' The first definition describes it as a government neglecting its duty to prevent atrocities. The second definition refers to enabling mass suffering, such as providing arms to perpetrators or not holding them accountable.

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The evidence of Israel’s atrocities in Gaza is impossible to ignore. And now, these atrocities are spilling over into the occupied West Bank.

When atrocities are clearly evidenced, both International Humanitarian Law and basic morality demand that the UK Government does everything in its power to bring them to an end.

Instead, the UK has been complicit in the carnage by continuing to approve the supply of British-made parts for F-35 fighter jets, providing diplomatic cover to the Government of Israel and failing to meaningfully hold them accountable.

What we’re calling for:

The UK Government cannot pick and choose when to uphold international law or whose lives are worth protecting. It must do everything in its power to end the siege of Gaza, and act now to prevent Israel’s atrocities in Gaza from being repeated in the West Bank.

The UK Government must end its complicity and urgently:

  • Suspend all arms transfers to Israel, including parts for F-35 fighter jets, given the clear risk that they might be used to commit violations of international humanitarian law.

  • Hold all perpetrators accountable and end Israel’s impunity.

  • Take all possible steps to bring an end to Israel’s unlawful occupation.

A lasting peace – for both Palestinians and Israelis – will only be possible if there is justice.

What you can do:

Our shared humanity is being degraded right before our eyes. Demand better:

  • Share our film. Call on Keir Starmer and David Lammy to not be an ally to atrocities.

  • Write to your MP. Ask that they call on the UK Government to suspend all arms transfers to Israel, hold all perpetrators accountable and act now to prevent further atrocities.

  • Our supporter toolkit has more details on how to get involved.

Who we are:

We are a coalition of British humanitarian INGOs working in the occupied Palestinian territory. Our colleagues have seen first-hand the scale of death and destruction in Gaza, as well as the escalations in violence in the West Bank.

We’re joining together because we refuse to accept as normal the horrors of these last 16 months. We demand that the UK Government uphold both their legal and moral responsibilities to protect civilians and hold perpetrators accountable.